Wednesday, April 20, 2016

How Chiropractic Care Helps the Heart

Chiropractic care helps put the entire body in its best form, including the heart. Spinal adjustments have been shown to decrease blood pressure and lower your heart rate. Read on to learn about some of the benefits chiropractic care has on heart health. At Therapeutic Solutions LLC in Newport News, VA, Dr. Christopher Brill is dedicated to helping his patients achieve a healthy life.

When a vertebra is misaligned, this causes pressure onto the tissues and nerves which can interrupt messages to and from the brain. When the C1 vertebra is misaligned, it can disrupt messages that go to the heart. Adjustments to the spine realign the vertebrae allow nerves and tissues in the surrounding area to function as they should.

It is thought that when the C1 vertebra is misaligned, it sends out signals that contract the arteries. Therefore, both systolic and diastolic blood pressures are increased. When the C1 vertebra is moved back into place, it decreases the blood pressure again in both systolic and diastolic measurements. Another benefit is a decreased heart rate. It is thought that when the rest of your cervical spine is adjusted, the eight pairs of nerves in the cervical spine are able to function properly which may reduce the heart rate.

Chiropractic care offers benefits for the whole body. For more information visit our website at or feel free to contact Dr. Brill & staff at 757-873-4131.

Yours in Good Health,

Dr. Christopher Brill

Therapeutic Solutions LLC

Chiropractic & Wellness Center

716-A Thimble Shoals Blvd.

Newport News, VA 23606

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

How You Should Be Lifting Large or Heavy Objects

When lifting heavy or large objects, the proper lifting technique could be vital. Injury could result from lifting incorrectly. Take some tips from Therapeutic Solutions LLC where Dr. Christopher Brill wants all his patients to practice safe lifting.

Summer is just around the corner now which usually means there is a lot of moving going on. Have you ever had back pain after helping a friend move? More than likely, it was due to improper lifting. Hurting yourself while lifting can not only cause pain but it could be the beginning of a chronic pain. This is also why it is important to see a chiropractor for back pain; you need to know the extent of your injuries and how it will affect you down the road.

To properly lift an object, place your feet shoulder-width apart with one of your feet slightly in front of the other. Then, squat down to the level of the object. Only bend at your hips and your knees; keep your back straight. Keeping your chest out and shoulders back helps. Also, keep your head looking straight forward. Lift the object slowly by straightening your legs. Your back should still be straight. Remember you should never twist your body as you lift. When carrying or holding the object, keep it close to your body at the level of your belly button. To set the object back down, do so by squatting; keeping your spine in line.

For more information visit our website at or feel free to contact Dr. Brill & staff at 757-873-4131.

Yours in Good Health,

Dr. Christopher Brill

Therapeutic Solutions LLC

Chiropractic & Wellness Center

716-A Thimble Shoals Blvd.

Newport News, VA 23606

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Benefits of Epsom Salt Soaks

After receiving a chiropractic adjustment from Dr. Christopher Brill at Therapeutic Solutions LLC, you may benefit from an Epsom salt bath to prevent muscle soreness. The reason for this is that an Epsom salt bath has the power to relieve pain and muscle cramps. It is also known to ease pain and relieve inflammation, making it beneficial in the treatment of sore muscles and migraine headaches.

Unlike the type of salt you sprinkle on your French fries, Epsom salt is a naturally occurring pure mineral compound of magnesium and sulfate. Studies have shown that magnesium and sulfate are both readily absorbed through the skin; making Epsom salt baths an easy and ideal way to reap the health benefits. Studies also show that Epsom salt can help regulate electrolytes in your body, ensuring proper functioning of the muscles, nerves, and enzymes. When dissolved in warm water, Epsom salt replenishes the level of magnesium in the body. The magnesium then produces serotonin, a mood-elevating chemical within the brain that creates a feeling of calm and relaxation.

For more information visit our website at or feel free to contact Dr. Brill & staff at 757-873-4131.

Yours in Good Health,

Dr. Christopher Brill

Therapeutic Solutions LLC

Chiropractic & Wellness Center

716-A Thimble Shoals Blvd.

Newport News, VA 23606