Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Benefits of Chiropractic Treatment

Chiropractic is a health care profession that focuses on disorders of the musculoskeletal system and the nervous system, and the effects of these disorders on general health. Our focus here at Therapeutic Solutions LLC is to provide superior care for each patient to achieve full recovery from aches and pains. In many cases, such as lower back pain, chiropractic care may be the primary method of treatment.

At Therapeutic Solutions LLC, we determine the cause of your symptoms and relieve your pain with gentle, effective, drug-free and evidence-based practices. Your spinal column, made up of 24 independent vertebrae, is what allows your body to move, twist, and bend through every motion of your busy day. It also encases and helps protect the delicate central nervous system that controls and coordinates every muscle, tissue, and organ of the body. This is why we believe the first step to an active lifestyle is a properly functioning spine. Other benefits of chiropractic care include:

  • Improved physical function and performance

  • Improved posture

  • Relief from stress and tension disorders

  • Relief from joint discomfort

  • Relief from chronic injuries

If you are interested in giving chiropractic care a try, give us a call! For more information visit our website at or feel free to contact Dr. Brill & staff at 757-873-4131.


Yours in Good Health,

Dr. Christopher Brill

Therapeutic Solutions LLC

Chiropractic & Wellness Center

716-A Thimble Shoals Blvd.

Newport News, VA 23606

Friday, September 23, 2016

Chiropractic Relief for Shoulder Pain

Chiropractic care is commonly sought by people seeking relief from neck or back pain, but chiropractors are not limited to only care for the spine. At Therapeutic Solutions, LLC, Dr. Christopher Brill is trained to adjust and treat extremities including knees, smaller joints such as the toes, and the shoulders. Sometimes shoulder pain is caused by joint irritation, which is why chiropractic relief for shoulder pain can often be achieved through manipulation and other treatments.

The shoulder joint is the most mobile joint in the body. It is surrounded by nerves, tendons, bursa and other tissues which can all be irritated and cause pain. Pain further up the body, for example, in the neck, can also refer pain into the shoulder joint as can trigger points in the muscle, or a “knot.” At Therapeutic Solutions, LLC, gentle adjustments can be performed to distract the joint or shift it forward or backward depending on symptoms. Massage therapy may also be administered depending on what the patient prefers.

If you suffer from shoulder pain and would like to discuss your treatment options, please give us a call. For more information visit our website at or feel free to contact Dr. Brill & staff at 757-873-4131.


Yours in Good Health,

Dr. Christopher Brill

Therapeutic Solutions LLC

Chiropractic & Wellness Center

716-A Thimble Shoals Blvd.

Newport News, VA 23606

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Set Realistic Fitness Goals

Committing to a fitness goal is something that we all struggle with. Whether you want to lose weight, gain muscle or increase your endurance, our Dr. Christopher Brill at Therapeutic Solutions, LLC, wants you to know that you always have a support system in us. To assist, we suggest setting your fit goals at a realistic pace, based on your personality, lifestyle and current level of fitness. Primarily, be adaptable.

Repeatedly failing to stick to your fitness goals means that either your goal is out of reach or that you haven’t quite figured out how to reach it. Whether you are trying to lose 100lbs or 10lbs, lower your body fat percentage, or gain weight because you are too thin, your main focus should always be on whatever you are working toward.

A goal that is too easy is not very motivating. To get started, your goal should be attainable, for instance, “I will lose 7% of my body weight.” To reach this goal, examine it first. If you are not concerned about weight loss or this is not a good time in your life to focus on that, choose something that is motivating to you. Additionally, include an end-point. Knowing that you have a deadline motivates you to get started.

For more information visit our website at or feel free to contact Dr. Brill & staff at 757-873-4131.

Yours in Good Health,

Dr. Christopher Brill

Therapeutic Solutions LLC

Chiropractic & Wellness Center

716-A Thimble Shoals Blvd.

Newport News, VA 23606

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Improve Your Range of Motion

When you experience painful or limited mobility, our staff at Therapeutic Solutions, LLC wants you to know why this is happening to you and how to fix it. If limited mobility is present, Dr. Christopher Brill will most likely begin to form a strategy for releasing any areas of disruption, alleviating pain and working to restore full mobility. He will begin this by performing a range of mobility test.

During your chiropractic exam, Dr. Christopher Brill will ask you to perform several simple movements to view your posture and range of motion. He may ask you to walk so that he can view inconsistencies in your steps and/or have you bend in different directions to measure your flexibility. Poor posture is typically the leading cause of joint pain and limited range of motion. Fortunately through appropriate chiropractic techniques, either applied alone or in conjunction with medical care, your range of motion is able to be fully restored.

If you have notice that your range of motion is limited, please give us a call to discuss your treatment options. For more information visit our website at or feel free to contact Dr. Brill & staff at 757-873-4131.


Yours in Good Health,

Dr. Christopher Brill

Therapeutic Solutions LLC

Chiropractic & Wellness Center

716-A Thimble Shoals Blvd.

Newport News, VA 23606