Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Chiropractic and Fertility

Bodies are amazing networks of interacting systems that work together to accomplish many tasks, including the creation of life, and the nervous system is the master, coordinating and affecting all other systems. Chiropractic operates on the belief that maintaining a healthy spine promotes the health of the entire body. By removing misalignment and interruptions from the nervous system, which communicates to the body via passageways that travel through the spine, chiropractic can help the body perform as it was meant to. This means that chiropractic treatment can improve the function of all systems in the body, including the reproductive system.

In many cases, fertility issues stem from poor nervous system function, high stress and lifestyle habits. At Therapeutic Solutions LLC, we can reduce interference in the nervous system by adjusting the spine and maintaining proper alignment. Once the nervous system is allowed to function better, the body is better able to heal itself and function more efficiently, which can help increase fertility.

It is also important to know that chiropractic care is compatible with other accepted approaches to resolving infertility and can greatly improve the chances of successful procedures, including in vitro fertilization.

For more information visit our website at or feel free to contact Dr. Brill & staff at 757-873-4131.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Rotator Cuff Tears

One of the most common injuries to occur in the shoulder is a tear in the rotator cuff, which is a group of four muscles and tendons that surround the shoulder to provide movement and stability. The tendons from these muscles attach to the top of the humerus, and this is where most tears occur, although muscles are sometimes involved.  Rotator cuff tears can be caused by direct blows to the shoulder, by falling on the arm while it is outstretched and by having your arm yanked. Impingement (tendinitis), where the rotator cuff tendons rub against the shoulder blade, can also lead the rotator cuff to become inflamed, fray and weaken.

People most susceptible to these injuries include swimmers, tennis players, baseball players and other participants in activities that involve a lot of arm movement overhead. Your risk for injury is also higher if you are over the age of 40 since muscles and tendons lose elasticity as you age.

If you have torn your rotator cuff, we can help you heal without the need for steroid injections or surgery. Here at Therapeutic Solutions LLC in Newport News, VA, we use therapies, such as electrical muscle stimulation and inferential electro-therapy, to promote healing and reduce pain and inflammation. Additionally, chiropractic adjustments and targeted exercises can be used to restore mobility and range of movement. In about six to eight weeks, you will notice a significant improvement.

For more information visit our website at or feel free to contact Dr. Brill and staff at 757-873-4131.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Degenerative Disc Disease

As you age, the cumulative effect of daily stresses and occasional, unnoticed injuries begins to take a toll on your spine. While the gradual degeneration of the spinal discs may not cause a problem for many people, in some cases, you can experience chronic, debilitating pain. This condition is called degenerative disc disease (DDD), and it can cause major back pain. If you have DDD and back pain is a main symptom, Therapeutic Solutions LLC, Chiropractic and Wellness can help you manage your pain.

Back pain as a result of DDD can be caused by three factors. The first is that degeneration in the spinal joints may have disturbed the alignment and mechanics of the spine. Secondly, thinning and degenerative discs might be bulging and placing pressure on nerves in the spine. Thirdly, spinal stenosis (the narrowing of the spine) can cause back and leg pain. Dr. Christopher Brill will work to discover what the specific cause of your back pain is so that he can develop the best chiropractic treatment for managing your pain. Using chiropractic, the doctor will work to improve joint mechanics, improve spinal motion and reduce inflammation.

To help treat your DDD symptoms, Dr. Brill may choose to adjust your spine, provide trigger point therapy, manually stretch your joints, conduct therapeutic massage or provide instrument-assisted soft tissue therapy. By combining these chiropractic treatments, he can alleviate the pain associated with degenerative disc disease.

For more information visit our website at or feel free to contact Dr. Brill and staff at 757-873-4131.

Thursday, April 3, 2014


Whether you have tennis elbow, runner’s knee or pitcher’s shoulder, if you have tendonitis, you want relief. Characterized by soreness, aching and chronic discomfort, tendonitis is caused when a tendon is overused, used improperly or injured. If you have tendonitis, Therapeutic Solutions LLC has the natural approach to help your body heal and prevent future injury.

Dr. Christopher Brill has the experience and expertise to provide the quality chiropractic you need to effectively treat your tendonitis. Rather than treating just your symptoms, chiropractic addresses the root cause of the condition. Initially, the chiropractor may choose to support and protect the injured tendons with a brace to loosen the tendon and reduce inflammation. Other treatments might include ultrasound, icing the area, rest, electrical muscle stimulation, strengthening exercises, massage and manual trigger point therapy. Manual trigger point therapy is when firm pressure is applied by hand on a trigger point for several seconds. The muscle is then stretched afterward. With chiropractic treatment, pain and inflammation should decrease over several weeks, although full healing will not occur until at least six weeks have passed.

During the first few weeks of treatment, scar tissue will form to help bond the tissue back together, but the scar tissue must be broken down for the tendon to regain flexibility, which will help prevent future injury. Continued chiropractic can ensure that the scar tissue is broken down and that circulation is increased to the tissue.

If you’re experiencing tendonitis pain, it’s time to start the healing process without reliance on pain killers. For more information visit our website at or feel free to contact Dr. Brill and staff at 757-873-4131.