Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Neck Stretches for Range of Motion and Pain Prevention

The health of your cervical spine can affect your entire life. That is why it is important to protect it and keep it healthy. At Therapeutic Solutions, LLC here in Newport News, VA, we treat neck pain and injuries. Keep reading to learn about some neck stretches you can do to promote health and avoid injury. Always consult with your doctor if you are undergoing neck treatment and stop if you feel pain.

Front Neck Stretch

  • Stand facing the corner of a room with your feet together, about two feet back from the walls.

  • Place your hands on each wall with your elbows a bit below shoulder height.

  • Lean in as far as possible. Stop if it is painful. Hold for thirty to sixty seconds.

The stretch should be felt in the front of the shoulders and the chest.

Back Neck Stretch

  • To the side, raise your elbow above your shoulder and rest your elbow against a door jamb.

  • Turn your head in the opposite direction and bring your chin down. You will feel the stretch in the back of your neck.

  •  For an extra stretch, place your other hand on top of your head and gently pull your head forward. Hold this for thirty to sixty seconds.

Side Neck Stretch

  • Stand with your feet hip-distance apart and your arms by your sides.

  • Behind you, hold your left wrist with your right hand. Pull your left arm away from your body slightly.

  • Lower your right ear towards your right shoulder and hold for thirty seconds. Switch sides.

The stretch should be felt in the sides of your neck.

Again, always consult with your doctor if you are already in treatment for a neck injury. For more information visit our website at www.therapeutic-solutions-llc.com or feel free to contact Dr. Brill & staff at 757-873-4131.

Yours in Good Health,

Dr. Christopher Brill

Therapeutic Solutions LLC

Chiropractic & Wellness Center

716-A Thimble Shoals Blvd.

Newport News, VA 23606

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Tips for the Desk Job Worker

Working at a desk job often means a sedentary life, but that does not have to be so! At Therapeutic Solutions, LLC in Newport News, VA, we encourage our patients to live an active lifestyle. Take some of these tips to get moving even during the work day.

While at work, it is important to take “sitting breaks”. At least once per hour, stand up and stretch or walk around. Doing so will give your body a break from being in the same position all day. Plus, it will get your blood flowing better. Good excuses for quick walks are going to get water, visiting a co-worker’s desk, or taking the long route to the bathroom. In addition to refreshing your body, it may also give your brain a break (which is needed for good productivity!).

Do you take the elevator in your office building? Try replacing the elevator with the stairs. As long as the climb is not unreasonable, you can raise your heart rate several times per day. If you keep taking the stairs every day, you will also notice a change in your stamina and maybe even your leg muscles.

A sedentary lifestyle can lead to weight gain, stress, heart disease, and other health problems. Take these tips to help you move around more during the day if you have a desk job.

Working at a desk job means lots of time spent sitting down. So keep these tips in mind for your health! For more information visit our website at www.therapeutic-solutions-llc.com or feel free to contact Dr. Brill & staff at 757-873-4131.

Yours in Good Health,

Dr. Christopher Brill

Therapeutic Solutions LLC

Chiropractic & Wellness Center

716-A Thimble Shoals Blvd.

Newport News, VA 23606