Thursday, September 26, 2013

Sciatica and Chiropractic Care


Sciatica is a frustrating, reoccurring condition for many sufferers.  It is characterized by stinging, tingling, burning and numbness of the lower extremities.  This collection of symptoms is a result of pressure placed on the sciatic nerve, one of the longest nerves in the body.  Sciatica can be triggered or aggravated by abrupt movement or extended periods of sitting or standing.

Fortunately, patients can find relief from sciatica through chiropractic care.  Spinal adjustments and manipulations, as well as other therapeutic services, can help address the source of sciatic nerve pain.  By correcting misalignment, you can relieve pressure on the nerve and restore the quality of your life.  When you visit Therapeutic Solutions LLC for chiropractic care, we provide you with resources and information to help you manage your discomfort and maintain an active lifestyle.

If you are suffering from sciatica, or you know someone who is searching for lasting relief, contact our practice and learn more about the chiropractic treatment options available to you.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013



Many of us are familiar with the inhibiting nature of headaches and migraines.  This is especially true for those that suffer on a regular basis.  Fortunately, there are ways to address the underlying cause of your pain and find lasting relief.  At Therapeutic Solutions LLC, we focus on correcting tension and misalignment in the upper back and neck, as these are the most common causes of chronic headaches and migraines.  Through chiropractic care, many patients have been able to find lasting and natural relief.

Traditional spinal adjustments and manipulations, stress relieving techniques, and other wellness therapies can all provide headache and migraine relief.  If you have been suffering from headache pain and you have not yet found a treatment that works for you, arrange an appointment at Therapeutic Solutions LLC.  We look forward to working with all of our patients to determine the underlying cause of your headaches and migraines so that you can finally find relief.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Chiropractic Care and Whiplash


When the body is thrown forward, the head has a tendency to snap forward and then backward again.  This commonly results in an injury known as whiplash, affecting the soft tissues of the neck.  The discomfort can even extend to surrounding muscle groups in your head, chest, shoulders and arms.  Patients may experience:


  • Decreased range of motion

  • Tightness in the neck

  • Muscles feeling hard or knotted

  • Tenderness

  • Headaches at the base of the skull


Although whiplash is often a result of auto accidents, they can also develop from roller coasters, amusement park rides and sports injuries.  If you are experiencing whiplash, chiropractic care can help relieve tension and correct misalignments that encourage your overall healing process.  I invite patients who have recently been in an auto accident, or think they may be experiencing whiplash, to visit my practice for an evaluation.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

History of Chiropractic Care

Although chiropractic techniques are commonly used today, they are rooted deep within our world history.   Some of the earliest writings in the history of recorded time mention using spinal manipulation to relieve lower back pain.  These techniques are mentioned in ancient Greek and Chinese writings dating as far back as 2700 B.C.  During Hippocrates life, 460 to 357 B.C., he published texts on the importance of chiropractic care in preventing disease.

The history of chiropractic care in the United States doesn’t begin until 1895, when Daniel David Palmer founded the profession by merging science and metaphysics.  Daniel David Palmer spread knowledge of chiropractic care techniques by founding the Palmer School of Chiropractic, a college that continues to be one of the most prominent chiropractic schools in the nation.  Now, doctors of chiropractic have gained legal recognition throughout the United States and are proven leaders in non-invasive healthcare.

Chiropractic care continues to grow and gain support as a cost-effective means of caring for your overall health.  I encourage patients to visit my practice and learn more about how the chiropractic techniques that can be traced throughout history can help you find lasting relief and wellness.